Home » Alternative energy sources for the home: their advantages and disadvantages

Alternative energy sources for the home: their advantages and disadvantages

by alex

With daily power outages in Ukraine, it seems that everyone is thinking about alternative energy sources. What they are and whether they have disadvantages – we tell in the material.

It is impossible to set up your life and create comfort in the room without electricity. After all, most appliances, such as a microwave, refrigerator, boiler, oven, as well as a router and other appliances, do not work without light. Therefore, alternative energy sources are actively discussed among Ukrainians.

Someone is just looking and studying the information, while others have already installed solar panels and even help fellow countrymen in this time of crisis.

Ukrainians also rallied around another urgent issue – the restoration of damaged buildings. In particular, the Vulkan Casino and the District #1 charitable organization are working together to help restore civilian infrastructure: homes that have been hit by enemy missiles. Everyone can join the restoration of Ukrainian cities. One has only to set fire to victory at Vulkan Casino, which will become a brick in the restoration of Ukraine

And if you want to support the energy sector by installing alternative sources of electricity, we will tell you more about their varieties and disadvantages.

What are the advantages of alternative energy

It's no secret that the sun's rays, wind, sea, river or even the heat of the earth can be used to generate power. Scientists came to this conclusion back in the 19th century, but only now, thanks to modern technologies, renewable resources can be turned into small power plants.

Alternative energy sources have many advantages, in particular, in this way you can:

  • reduce electricity bills and become energy independent, which is very important for Ukrainians now;
  • increase the stability of your home during power outages, because residents of such energy-efficient housing do not encounter blackout issues;
  • help the environment. Switching to alternative power sources will reduce the consumption of light produced by burning fossil fuels. And this will significantly reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere;
  • raise the value of your own property. Now in the rental and purchase market, country houses with alternative sources of electricity are very popular: people are looking for housing in which they can survive this difficult winter for Ukraine as comfortably as possible. Renewable power sources will continue to be relevant in the future, so the property equipped with them can significantly increase in price.

Depending on the power of the storage device, electricity can even be enough to power a large apartment building or an entire street.

The most popular sources of alternative energy are:

  • solar panels,
  • wind turbines,
  • heat pumps

Solar power plants

Solar panels are one of the most popular alternative methods of generating energy not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world.

Solar panels are often installed on the roof of houses/Photo by Pexels

How do solar panels work? Regardless of the design and characteristics, they all have an anti-reflective layer. The sun's rays, which can be imagined as a stream of small particles of photons, hit the panel and knock out electrons, whose stream leads to the generation of electricity.

Actually, the solar panels collect clean DC energy, transfer it to the inventory, where it is converted into AC energy, which powers the building.

You can install such panels both on the roof and in the garden. For a house, 12 devices are enough, which will cover most of the needs of residents. And yet, before buying them, you should consult with specialists who will accurately calculate the number and power of panels to power your particular home.

In addition, balconies are often decorated with them. Thus, Ukrainians can gain energy independence even in an apartment.

When selecting solar panels, experts take into account the size of housing and its needs inhabitants/Photo by Shutterstock

It would seem that solar panels have only advantages, because the sun always shines, even in the cold season. But this is also their significant drawback.

Although the solar panels work in any weather, however, during high cloud cover, electricity is produced significantly less than on a fine summer day. In addition, the days are much shorter in winter and the solar cells can be covered with a layer of snow or ice. In such conditions, it is difficult to fully provide the building with light. Therefore, it is better to choose solar panels with a battery so that the electricity that you do not use can be stored, stored and used later.

Also note:

  • panel type

Today, mono- and polycrystalline batteries are in significant demand. The first can boast of higher power, but also a much higher price. If you are considering solar panels as a device that should quickly pay off and subsequently make a profit, we recommend that you pay attention to polycrystalline structures.

  • manufacturer

In Ukraine, most solar panels are made in China. And such devices are much cheaper than European ones. But when buying, you should find out if there is a manufacturer in the Tier-1 list, what class it is (choose class A) and how these panels are produced (prefer automated, then the tightness of the structure will be higher).

  • quality and assurance certificates

Special attention should be paid to independent quality certifications. Thanks to them, you can determine how much the actual power value differs from the one declared by the manufacturer, as well as how increasing or decreasing the temperature of the module affects the voltage.

It should also be noted that the payback period for a solar station is on average 5 to 10 years. Therefore, it is important what the performance of the device will be during this time. If you choose Tier-1 solar panels, then over 10 years of daily operation, their power will be reduced by no more than 10%. However, Tier-3 products do not guarantee a uniform power reduction.

Wind power plants

This alternative energy source is often referred to as small windmills. In fact, the system is a windmill: the force of the wind moves the blades of the turbine, and the energy that is produced is transferred to the generator rotor.

Among the advantages of a wind turbine:

  • safety – such designs do not pollute the environment and do not pose a threat during operation;

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    • an endless source of energy if you install the device in windy regions;
    • ease of operation, because you don’t need to clean the windmill like solar panels in winter.

    Typically, wind turbines with a capacity of up to 10 kW are used for private houses. They are able to produce enough energy to cover all the needs of the inhabitants. But for business, in particular, hotels, farms, medium-sized industries, turbines up to 500 kW are needed.

    Wind energy Installations/Photo Pexels

    However, the installation of a wind power station depends not only on the desire of a person, but also on the area where the turbine will work. Therefore, Ukrainians should assess how windy the region is, that is, whether such a structure will bring enough energy.

    At the same time, you should not take only the database of the Ukrhydrometeorological center as a basis, because the wind speed at a height of 10 meters is indicated there, while wind turbines will be much higher – from 17 to 30 meters. Comprehensive studies will show a more detailed picture.

    At the same time, experts assure: the wind can be caught in any Ukrainian region, especially if the area has rivers, valleys, hills or the sea.

    Wind turbines provide electricity even in winter. Photo by Pixabay

    But there are disadvantages in this type of alternative power source. So, compared to solar panels, their payback is much longer – from 10 years. This is also affected by the difference in the “green” tariff for the use of wind and sun. In addition, wind turbines require a large investment at the beginning of operation: such designs are more complex, therefore equipment and installation work are more expensive.

    Also, wind turbines can create significant noise, which will not please the neighbors. Such structures are ideal for rural areas, where household plots can be larger, and the distance between houses will allow efficient and comfortable use of wind turbines for everyone.

    Heat pumps

    Another fairly popular type of alternative energy is heat pumps. They help to heat the apartment using thermal energy. An alternative source is the earth, air or groundwater.

    Heat pumps have many advantages. In particular, it is:

    • autonomy – the process is completely independent of the time of year or day, so the device can work smoothly all the time;
    • efficiency – when properly installed and under favorable conditions, heat pumps are an inexhaustible and stable source of heat;
    • practicality and ease of operation – such devices are used for heating, water heating and air conditioning.

    Heat pumps can be used for heat and power supply.

    Heat pumps pay for themselves quickly. It only takes a few years for this device to start working in a plus. Therefore, heat pumps are much more profitable than any boilers or boilers.

    But this device has a drawback. The heat pump runs on electricity and with frequent blackouts it will not bring the desired result.

    Despite this, the design is very simple and economical. The heat pump only needs electricity to operate the compressor and circulation pump, and the energy conversion factor can be 4-6 or higher. Consequently, each kilowatt of light consumed turns into 3-5 kilowatts of heat, which helps save up to 80% on heating.

    Heat pumps have many models, each of which offers consumers more options and benefits . Therefore, when buying, it is important:

    • to correctly calculate the power of the device in order to cover all the heat loss at home, especially in the cold season. At the same time, attention should be paid to the climatic features of the area;
    • consider how much heat should be supplied to the apartment per hour;
    • if an air-to-air pump is used, select the bivalent point, that is, the critical point when the heat pump should switch to backup heating.

    Only with the correct calculation, the heat pump will show its maximum efficiency. Therefore, we recommend not to save money and seek help from specialists, because an unsuccessful purchase can lead to even greater costs.

    Ukrainians are rapidly introducing innovative technologies into their lives and are increasingly switching to alternative energy sources. And this is a good dynamic, as we are getting closer to European life with all the comforts and smart solutions.

    Ukrainian business is also actively changing, also switching to alternative energy sources. In addition, during the war, entrepreneurs hold the economic front and bring Ukraine's victory closer with important charity projects. Such as “Light the Fire of Victory” charity event from Vulkan Casino. Under its terms, each winning is transferred to the player in full, and the brand transfers at least 1% of it from its own funds to help Ukrainians. In particular, Vulkan Casino takes care of the physical and psychological rehabilitation of people affected by hostilities, restores residential buildings, buys and donates field stoves for the military and civilians. Join the charity event, lighting the fire of victory!

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