Home ยป Already Throwing His Arms at the Jews: How Trump Tries to Gain an Election Advantage Through Cunning

Already Throwing His Arms at the Jews: How Trump Tries to Gain an Election Advantage Through Cunning

by alex

Already attacked the Jews: how Trump is trying to gain an advantage in the elections by cunning Petro Sineoky

The situation with the election race in the USA seems extremely interesting. The closer to the elections, the more the situation comes down to “50 to 50”.

US political figure Yuri Rashkin told Channel 24 about this, noting that the debates in the US gave Democratic candidate Kamali Harris a boost in popularity. Trump performed terribly, but he still has enough support from a sufficient number of Americans. Many Republicans say: “He is, of course, a son of a bitch. But ours.”

The situation is getting more and more interesting

As Rashkin emphasized, according to the latest polls, Harris has slightly better chances than Trump. There is no point in relying too much on them. The situation can change completely. And the Democrats understand this perfectly well, so they are calling for polls to be ignored and continue to work with voters.

If you look at the meetings of Harris and Trump with the public, the situation there is quite different. Trump gives chaotic speeches in a “half-dead” stadium, where there are sometimes empty seats. At Harris, everything is different: there is music, people are dancing and the atmosphere is joyful.

But again, this does not mean anything. Perhaps Trump voters are already waiting for the elections and do not go to such meetings.

Trump is already slightly involved in anti-Semitism and lashing out at Jews. In general, he said that if he loses the election, it will be the fault of American Jews. Therefore, part of the Republican propaganda is already working to show that Trump is a good choice for Israel. Although we know that historically it is the Democrats who have been the ones to significantly support the Jews, Rashkin said.

Please note! Kamala Harris said she is ready for a second debate with Trump. He believes it is too late to hold debates. And Harris allegedly wants to organize them because he is losing the election.

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