Home » Already blowing the roof: in Russia, a man brandished a gun and shouted that he had been shot in Ukraine

Already blowing the roof: in Russia, a man brandished a gun and shouted that he had been shot in Ukraine

by alex

Russian boasted that he was shot in Ukraine/Channel 24 collage

Russians do not get tired of proving that they have no equal in absurdity. The citizens of this country are already quite convinced that the same thing happened to them as to Ilya Kiva's grandfather.

Because of the war in Ukraine, not only Russian infidels, who frantically looking for ways to escape from the front in order to save their lives. Other Russian citizens are also beginning to “melt” quite a bit.

Threats of the “executed” in Ukraine

There is a city of Elektrostal in the Moscow region. It is not surprising that you did not know about it before, because it did not give anything good to this world, like other settlements in Russia.

So, a noisy company gathered at one of the entrances of that far from picturesque city. One of the local citizens decided to frighten those who interrupted his sweet dream about food rations instead of a salary.

He took a gun and rushed into a noisy company. Since his appearance with a weapon was pathetic, like the attempts of Russian liberals, he decided to increase the threats with his “combat experience”.

The man began to scream that he had recently returned from the war in Ukraine, where he was shot, and if someone does not believe him – even now he can show helicopters. A woman intervened in the matter, who took the “hero” as far as possible.

It seems that the traitor Ilya Kiva has already begun to recruit his followers in Russia. Recall that the unfortunate “scientist” said that his grandfather “was shot by the Nazis in Lviv”, although he died only in 1992.

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