Home » Already 22 children died in the Kharkiv region at the hands of the invaders, even more were injured

Already 22 children died in the Kharkiv region at the hands of the invaders, even more were injured

by alex

Already 22 children were killed in the Kharkiv region at the hands of the occupiers/”Reporter”

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion in the Kharkiv region, 22 children have already died, another 51 were injured.

The occupiers are cynical shelling the civilian population, civilian objects and boldly killing children.

Yesterday shelling in Balakliya

In the afternoon of April 10, the Russians fired on the temporarily occupied Balakliya of the Izyum district. Among the three dead civilians was a child aged 7.

Destroyed schools and kindergartens

In Kharkov, the invaders damaged 164 educational institutions with their shelling:

  • 86 schools,
  • 66 kindergartens,
  • 9 institutions of out-of-school education,
  • 3 buildings of education departments.

Full destroyed one school and 3 kindergartens. True, these data are not yet final.

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