Home » All TCC services will be available: Chernogorenko on changes to Reserve+ and the electronic queue

All TCC services will be available: Chernogorenko on changes to Reserve+ and the electronic queue

by alex

Soon all TCC services will be added to the electronic queue — not only updating data, those liable for military service will be able to correct errors in the Reserve+ application themselves, and those with many children will automatically receive a deferment.

The Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization spoke about this and other changes in an interview with ICTV Facts Ekaterina Chernorenko.< /p>

Reserve+: main errors when updating data and reasons

— Let's talk about the mistakes that people often write about. How many there are, perhaps there are some statistics on those 2 million military personnel who have already updated their data? How many people have contacted about technical support, what kind of errors they are and why they occur?

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— Now the main errors — if a person is not registered for any reason and if the person has violations of military registration rules. After resolving the situation, the TCC and SP operator makes changes in the Oberig system, we immediately see this in Reserve+.

That is, in essence, Reserve+ is a very powerful tool for synchronously accessing data.

As for other errors, they are usually resolved by contacting our support team. We have already received about 40 thousand such requests. Most often they relate to the lack of data in the registry (11 thousand hits), or the irrelevance of this data (7.5 thousand).

Such errors occur due to the human factor in the TCC, or due to the fact that citizens deliberately did not update their data.

— Even before the launch of this electronic account, you said that a person will literally make requests to other registries. Then why are there so many errors, how does it even work?

— In fact, Oberig now has exchanges with eight of the country's largest registries. You can obtain this data at the request of the TCC operator. But we want to completely turn this function around and make it so that a person can trigger the system himself or request data in other registries through Oberig, so as not to be hostage to the workload of TCC operators, that is, to move away from the monopoly of TCC operators in entering data. A person can order such an update about himself in the Amulet through a convenient interface in Reserve+.

We want a person from Reserve+ to automatically request data about himself in other registries and update it in the Amulet.

What changes are planned in Reserve+

— It doesn't work yet, yes? And when it might work?

— In fact, with the latest release we have already partially launched this function. This applies to RNUKNP (taxpayer registration card number). We now want to add this functionality by last name, first name and patronymic, by date of birth, by a person’s children, so that we can automatically do a whole range of actions that the TCC carries out. I think we will do this in the near future.

— What mistakes can already be corrected without resorting to TCC and SP?

— These are exactly the two functions that we launched: I am a military serviceman, but now I am registered — this is automatically corrected, and the second — tighten tax code.

Electronic military ID

— Regarding electronic military tickets — how many have already been generated? I have already seen more than a million. And are they really full and equivalent to paper ones?

— We are currently working to ensure that all statuses are displayed in this electronic military record document, but all authorized persons who check your documents can already do this by scanning the QR code with the Reserve+ application.

A regular smartphone camera does not scan it, we need to talk about this, since we have had cases when people tried to consider it as a regular camera.

However, by downloading the application, you can read the QR code and get complete information in real time. No need for additional equipment, readers — everything is transparent.

— Virtually all TCC and SP employees can do this? People online complain that when meeting with mobile groups they were asked for a paper document. Why do such situations arise?

— I'll tell you what we did to prevent this. A resolution was adopted, which is the legal basis for the electronic military registration document to be provided to authorized persons — these are the TCC, the National Police and the State Border Guard Service — as a full-fledged document.

By violating this norm, authorized persons must be prepared for the fact that they are violating the current resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers and the corresponding norm of the law.

The Ministry of Defense contacted all institutions that can check the electronic military registration document a week before its launch, where they fully described the verification algorithm and what needs to be prepared in order to be ready for reading.

Therefore, I appeal to our citizens, if you have such cases, please contact us, write to the Ministry of Defense. We will forward such situations to the Ground Forces Command.

If this happened or took place, we definitely need to know about it. We will collect such cases and forward them, talk to the relevant TCCs and ask them to eliminate the violations.

— Those military registration documents that are issued at the Central Administrative Service are from the Reserve+? They are no different?

— An absolutely identical document, which is generated from data sent from the Oberig registry. In the interests of the applicant who comes to the Central Administrative Service, we upload this data and generate an identical document.

— If this mass of people went only through the TCC and SP, it would probably take two years?

— This would take tens of months, since TCC workers are very overworked. And we value their time and knowledge on all processes.

Reserve+ was able to show a new standard that digital tools in defense work.

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Будут все услуги ТЦК: Черногоренко об изменениях в Резерв+ и электронной очереди


— When it becomes possible to extract data from other registers, it will really make updating information easier, since I have an example where a person has already been to the TCC twice and was unable to do so?

— For example, data on the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth are in the unified state demographic register. At the same time, there is data for which registers are not yet maintained. In particular, we do not yet have a single electronic place of truth about the results of the VVK.

This is a very huge request, because people who consciously passed the VVK are worried that the date and result will not be displayed in the electronic military registration document.

Therefore, we are currently working with partners to be able to take this information into account and download it automatically.

In particular, referrals to VVK can be made in Reserve+. We have already done this in Amulet, we just need to add it in the application. This is our job — make Reserve+ a complete analogue of TCC.

Delay for families with many children in Reserve+

— You announced that a deferment will also be possible through Reserve+. For which categories is this possible?

— First of all, this is relevant for large families, because this data is in the state register of civil status acts. That is, we want that upon the birth of the third child, this information will automatically appear in the Amulet.

Now you need to take a photocopy of the certificates, go to the TCC, write an application. This should be a thing of the past.

This will be the first case that we will process, because there is already an exchange between the Amulet and the state civil registry.

All TCC services will be added to the electronic queue

— Regarding electronic queues at the TCC — are you satisfied with the result and is it possible to improve it?

— What are we doing to correct negative cases? Launched feedback. Now in every shopping center there will be a QR code that you can point at and give feedback: I came, I had a slot, but they didn’t accept me. We collect this information, come to the command of the Ground Forces and say that the mistake must be corrected.

I will announce it to you first. We are currently working to add all TCC services to the electronic queue. That is, not only updating data. We want to consolidate all services into electronic queues.

We are already choosing a pilot TCC to test this service. There will be no distribution of queues between electronic and live.

And then we have another ambitious task — install coupon printing terminals directly at the TCC. This will solve all problems with the queue; it will become completely electronic.

Будут все услуги ТЦК: Черногоренко об изменениях в Резерв+ и электронной очереди


— In your opinion, will people have enough time before July 18 to update their data?

— We understand that some people will do this in the last hours — This is how psychology works. So that you don't worry — The register records the time up to the minutes when you did this and fulfilled your obligations.

Digital tools like Reserve+ make it possible to complete this task on time, and I not only believe in it, I draw a conclusion based on the data we have for the entire period starting from May 18.

There will be no penalty for updating data, because there will be a digital trace and proof that you did everything on time.

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