Home » All sanctions will lead Russia to catastrophe, – oppositionist

All sanctions will lead Russia to catastrophe, – oppositionist

by alex

Sanctions against Russia/Collage Channel 24

The European Union is already planning for the next week to propose a new package of sanctions against Russia due to its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

On the air of Channel 24, Russian oppositionist Dmitry Gudkov said that he would like it to be possible to stop the war tomorrow with the help of sanctions. However, this will not happen.

According to him, one must understand that Russia has huge reserves. The country earns a billion dollars a day selling hydrocarbons.

“The budget was drawn up based on the amount of $45 per barrel, and now we see it in the region of $100 per barrel. Until recently, it was in the region of $115-117 per barrel “, recalled Dmitry Gudkov.

Obviously, even with additional expenses for the war, and spending a billion rubles a day on the road, there is enough money. The budget is formed even in these conditions with a surplus,” said Dmitry Gudkov.

Despite this, he added that he agreed with the idea of ​​sanctions. Indeed, in the long term, all of them will lead the Russian economy to disaster.

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