Home » After the war, most Ukrainians will return: the Institute of Demography explained why

After the war, most Ukrainians will return: the Institute of Demography explained why

by alex

Most Ukrainian citizens who fled the war abroad will return when home becomes safer, and they will not be stopped by the supposedly higher quality of life in Europe.

This opinion was expressed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, head of the department for research of living standards of the population at the Institute of Demography and Social Research Lyudmila Cherenko in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

— I can judge from the opinions of people I know who are abroad. When they voice arguments why they want to return with a very small child in March, there are completely illogical explanations, at the level of psycho-emotional perception. They don’t like a lot there, they don’t like Germany at all, — she explained.

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Cherenko noted that there really is a category of people who previously wanted to live abroad, and the war pushed them, “but those who actually fled from the shelling can return”.

— If in large cities — Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa — where people mostly fled will become more or less safe, they will begin to return, since the majority have not found themselves abroad. Today it is difficult to predict the return, because everything depends on the war. The main factor here — security, — she added.

The UN recently called on donors to allocate $4.2 billion to support war-affected Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees in 2024.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, due to the war, more than 14.6 million people, or 40% of the population of Ukraine, will need humanitarian assistance.

More than 3.3 million people in need live in front-line settlements in the East and South of the country, including in the territories occupied by Russia.

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