Home » After the lifting of the moratorium: the lawyer said whether the militants would go to the execution of prisoners of war

After the lifting of the moratorium: the lawyer said whether the militants would go to the execution of prisoners of war

by alex

Polozov on the threats of militants to execute prisoners of war/Illustrative photo/RosSMI

Donetsk militants threaten to execute foreigners captured by them. Thus, the Kremlin is trying to put pressure on the world community.

This was reported to Channel 24 by Russian lawyer and human rights activist Nikolai Polozov. According to him, militants from Donetsk have now “sentenced” to death two Britons and one Moroccan.

Anything can be expected

Polozov recalled about the so-called “ISIS courts”, which were also not legitimate at all. However, death sentences were also pronounced there and, unfortunately, they were executed. Nothing prevents militants from Donetsk from carrying out executions, although no one recognizes them.

In this sense, the risk that they will carry out the death penalty of one or more prisoners in a revealing manner is excluded it is impossible,” Polozov noted.

In his opinion, now, using the example of militants from pseudo-republics, the Kremlin can “grope” the public opinion of Russians on this issue. It is quite possible that at some point in order to achieve political goals in Russia, the moratorium on the death penalty will also be lifted.

This could turn into a real disaster for the Russians. After all, in the absence of a normal judicial system, the security forces will simply be able to literally kill people.

Recall that earlier the European Court of Human Rights recommended that Russia not execute the death sentence for two Britons, 28-year-old Aiden Aslin and 48-year-old Sean Pinner, whom the militants captured.

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