Home » Afghanistan covered by severe frosts and snowfalls: more than one and a half hundred dead, including children

Afghanistan covered by severe frosts and snowfalls: more than one and a half hundred dead, including children

by alex

Afghanistan has been gripped by bad weather. So, a lot of snow fell in the country, and as a result, more than 160 people died.

From January 10, the temperature in Afghanistan is -33 degrees. Heavy snowfalls and ice storms were also recorded in the country.

Bad weather covered Afghanistan

Due to bad weather, electricity is regularly turned off in the country. The Afghan Ministry of Disaster Management said the death toll rose by 88 over the past week to 166.

The dead included women and children, with 30 more injured in 24 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces during the last three weeks.

The deaths were caused by floods, fires and leaks from gas heaters used by Afghan families to heat their homes.

About 100 houses were destroyed or damaged, and about 80,000 livestock also died from the cold.

It snowed in Afghanistan/photo AFP, AP

Bad weather in other countries

  • December 23 in the US, more than a million people were without electricity. Flights were also canceled due to bad weather. A severe storm attacked the states of New York and Michigan. As a result of bad weather, at least 12 people died.
  • On January 21, heavy snowfalls covered the Lviv region. Therefore, there were massive blackouts in the region. Meanwhile, flooding was recorded in the Kyiv region and Transcarpathia.
  • By the way, heavy snowfalls are occurring in Romania and Moldova. freezes are also fixed. In addition, bad weather has already covered Bulgaria and reached Ukraine. Black ice in Odessa.
  • Yes, on January 28, sleet fell in the south of Odessa region and ice made it difficult for vehicles to move on the roads. Therefore, there was a multi-kilometer traffic jam on the Odessa-Reni highway.

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