Home » About a million people are now defending Ukraine – Zelensky

About a million people are now defending Ukraine – Zelensky

by alex

Our Armed Forces courageously defend the country from the Russian invasion. The war has been going on since 2014, so there are already many veterans in our state.

President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the defenders during the veterans' forum on the air of the national telethon. He noted that the veteran community is about 500 thousand combatants, Channel 24 informs.

About a million people in the defense of Ukraine

Zelensky stressed that this number was as of the beginning of a full-scale invasion. During this time, much has changed and much more will change.

Now about a million people are defending Ukraine in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other formations opposing the occupier. This means that everyone in Ukraine will have veteran relatives or friends, colleagues or acquaintances. That is, the veteran community will become one of the largest in Ukraine,” the president said.

According to him, it follows from this that appropriate changes are needed in the state policy towards veterans and in society and its acceptance. Of course, respect for veterans should be felt at all levels of society. At the same time, the president stressed that it should not be in words or promises, but in quite practical things. Every veteran should feel that Ukraine knows how to be grateful.

How many defenders died for Ukraine

  • Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny stated that in not only the military and those who have taken up arms take part in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Children also take part in it. After all, Russia is killing them, innocent of anything. 9,000 of our Heroes died at the front.
  • And on August 21, President Volodymyr Zelensky awarded Ukrainian heroes with the National Legend of Ukraine distinction. Zelensky said that a state that values ​​its people cannot be destroyed. For her people stand behind her like a mountain.

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