Home » About 600 people died at the Mariupol Drama Theater – media investigation

About 600 people died at the Mariupol Drama Theater – media investigation

by alex

The investigation showed that about 600 people died in the Mariupol Drama Theater/Channel 24 Collage

Associated Press, the largest US news agency, conducted an investigation to find out how many people actually died during the Russian bombing of the Drama Theater in Mariupol.

According to the Associated Press, about 600 people inside and outside the building were killed by enemy shelling of the Drama Theater. The investigation showed the real picture of the tragedy and the approximate number of deaths of civilians who sought to escape the Russian invasion.

Recall that on March 16, the Russians dropped a super-powerful bomb on the Drama Theater of Mariupol. It was the official gathering place for refugees, and the Russian occupiers knew this for sure. They deliberately started bombing the building, where there were hundreds of civilians.

The American publication reconstructed the 3D model of the Drama Theater based on eyewitness accounts, two sets of theater floor plans, and photographs and videos taken inside the building.


According to all witnesses, at least 100 people were in the field kitchen near the theatre. None of them managed to survive. They also noted that the rooms and corridors inside the building were crowded with people – about one person for every 3 square meters.

The publication also analyzed the assessments of many people who managed to survive after the bombing. According to them, about 1,000 people were inside during the airstrike. However, it is noted that no one saw that more than two hundred people were saved.

The Associated Press investigation also debunked the Kremlin's claim that the theater served as a Ukrainian military base. Please note that none of the witnesses saw the Ukrainian military operating inside the building of the Drama Theater in Mariupol. It is also emphasized that none of the rescued doubted that the Mariupol theater was destroyed as a result of a strike by Russian aircraft.

What is known about the bombing of the Drama Theater in Mariupol:

  • March 16 The Russians dropped a heavy bomb on the Drama Theater of Mariupol, where people who lost their homes and livelihoods were hiding.
  • On March 14, the American company Maxar Technologies took photos of Mariupol from space. Including the buildings of the drama theater, where large inscriptions “CHILDREN” are clearly visible on both sides. The Russians knew that they were shelling the building where civilians with children were housed.
  • On March 17, People's Deputy Serhiy Taruta said that after the attack on the Mariupol Drama Theater, the bomb shelter withstood the blow. Those who were there are alive.

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