Home ยป A temporary detour was opened in the Zhytomyr region along the highway Vystupovichi – Mogilev-Podolsky

A temporary detour was opened in the Zhytomyr region along the highway Vystupovichi – Mogilev-Podolsky

by alex

Temporary detour opened along Vystupovichi โ€“ Mogilev-Podolsky highway in Zhytomyr region/Photo by Ukravtodor

In the Zhytomyr region, a temporary detour was opened on the site of the destroyed bridge on the M-21 highway Vystupovichi – Zhitomir – Mogilev-Podolsky. According to the press service of Ukravtodor, it is actually a full-fledged section of the road and is capable of passing vehicles simultaneously in both directions.

As the press service of Ukravtodor reported, it is actually a full-fledged section of the road and is capable of passing vehicles simultaneously in both directions.

The M-21 road is one of the key international transport arteries Zhytomyr region with a large load. In the course of active hostilities in the region, undermining the bridge stopped the equipment of the Russian invaders. When the Zhytomyr region was liberated from the Russians, the road workers began to build a temporary detour, the report says.

 In the Zhytomyr region, a temporary detour was opened along the highway Vystupovichi – Mogilev-Podolsky

A detour was opened along the highway Vystupovichi – Mogilev-Podolsky/Photo by Ukravtodor

The detour is capable of passing trucks, which will provide for the humanitarian needs of the population: the delivery of medicines, water, food, etc. An alternative route will be open until a full-fledged crossing is built instead of the destroyed bridge.

“An artificial structure needs to be built from scratch, since the vertical supports near the blown-up bridge are damaged,” Ukravtodor notes.

Parallel to the Zhytomyr region, another temporary passage is being built on the R-02 Kyiv-Ivankov-Ovruch highway.

Recall Parking lots (Kyiv region) opened a temporary crossing

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