Home » A strong tornado raged in Guangzhou in China: how many died and injured

A strong tornado raged in Guangzhou in China: how many died and injured

by alex

Tornado in China claimed lives and injured people/Collage 24 Channel

A strong tornado hit the city of Guangzhou, killing 5 people and injuring 33. The relevant services immediately after everything had calmed down went to the scene of the events – that is, destruction.

A severe storm swept through the Baiyun district of Guangzhou in southern China on the afternoon of April 27, causing significant destruction. According to state media, rescue efforts have been completed and the victims have been hospitalized.

Tornado hit Guangzhou

The tornado, which had a third level of intensity, was accompanied by winds at speeds of more than 20 meters per second. Authorities report damage to 141 factory buildings, but residential buildings remained standing.

A preliminary investigation by the provincial meteorological bureau found the tornado was an intensity level 3, two levels below the highest intensity level of 5. A strong element moved over a distance of about one kilometer, they write in Xinhua.

At the same time, they warn about the possibility of rain in the next five days. In addition, footage appears online showing a strong tornado in southern China.

A strong tornado raged in China on April 27: watch video from social networks

People died in Guangzhou due to disaster: watch video from social networks

There was a tornado in the south of China, which led to destruction: watch the video from social networks< /p>

What to do in case of a threat

A tornado is an intense whirlwind with very strong winds that forms in the atmosphere and connects to the ground as a visible column of clouds and kicked up dust and debris.

Here's what to do in the event of a tornado:

  • monitor the weather forecasts, be attentive to warnings from meteorological services;
  • prepare an action plan, discuss with your family early time, where safe places are located in your home or work;
  • find shelter, during a tornado it is best to be in a basement or interior windowless room on the lower floor;
  • protect yourself, use mattresses, blankets or pillows to protect yourself from debris;
  • stay in shelter, do not come out outside until it is declared that the danger has passed;
  • be prepared for the consequences; Carry a first aid kit, water and food supplies, and communications equipment.

Remember that tornadoes can appear suddenly and move with high speed, so it is important to act quickly and with caution.

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