Home » A stranglehold clung to Kremennaya: British intelligence explained the importance of the city for the Russians

A stranglehold clung to Kremennaya: British intelligence explained the importance of the city for the Russians

by alex

The Ukrainian military continues to launch a counteroffensive, liberating settlements. Our defenders are also advancing in the Luhansk region. So the enemies began to fuss, in particular in Kremennaya.

In the intelligence of Great Britain they tried to explain why Kremennaya is strategically important for Russia. What the enemy is doing now to keep it – read on.

Occupiers are trying to keep Kremennaya

According to the agency, in recent daysRussian military could strengthen the site near Kremennaya.The reason for this was the constant pressure from the Ukrainian military, who are doing everything possible to dislodge the enemy.

As noted in intelligence, Kremennaya remains relatively vulnerable. It has been in this state since October, when the Ukrainian military was able to advance through Liman to the west. Recall that these settlements are separated by 30 kilometers.

And since the enemy does not want to give up Kremennaya, he built powerful new defensive structures nearby. As noted in the department, it is possible that this particular area will be a priority. And here the invaders will try to prevent the advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine further.

Attempts to maintain control over Kremennaya are not unreasonable. According to intelligence, thisterritory is important for the material support of the Lugansk region.Well, do not forget that the so-called “liberation” of this region is one of the Kremlin's justifications for the so-called “special operation”. source in the special services, the night of December 27 was extremely restless for the occupiers. They say that it was loud at the exit from Kremennaya. The epicenter of the incidents were the locations near the Rybka gas station, forestry and hunting grounds, as well as the railway station.

It is known that the command of the Russian military tried to escape to Rubizhnoye. The “chmobiks” themselves ran after him. But the latter were shot by the Kadyrovites. According to the information received, many of them died on the spot.

Soldiers were shot because they refused to obey the orders of staff officers. The latter noted that the fighters should remain in Kremennaya to the last. Whoever refused to comply with this order added to the statistics of enemy losses.

By the way, as of December 28, 103,770 Russian soldiers were liquidated. Of these, over the past day, 550 fighters of the “second army of the world” have joined the ranks of the “200th”.

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