Home » A ship is not a needle, you can’t hide it. Navy about the possible movement of the Russian fleet from Sevastopol

A ship is not a needle, you can’t hide it. Navy about the possible movement of the Russian fleet from Sevastopol

by alex

Representative of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk said on Radio Liberty that moving Russian warships from Sevastopol to other places will not help protect them from potential attacks.

– You can even drive them to Kazan, conditionally. There are other factories there, indeed. The same Liman in Kerch or Feodosia. There are enough factories. But the ship — It's not a needle, you can't hide it. No way. Therefore, there are no options here. But we can expect anything. This is Russia, he said.

Pletenchuk noted that if sea routes become the only logistics corridor for the Russian military to transfer resources and weapons to southern Ukraine, the occupiers may have problems.

–They may only have maritime logistics left. And this will be a problem for them. Because it's not very easy to navigate. This is, firstly. Well, and secondly, even if they use the same ports of Berdyansk or Mariupol, I want to remind you that in Berdyansk they also lost a large landing ship. Right at the port. And two more were damaged, significantly damaged. They are still under repair,” the speaker emphasized.

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Recall that the head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine Natalya Gumenyuk, on the air of the national telethon Unified News, said that it is unlikely that the Russian Federation will be in the near future will be able to restore the landing ship Minsk and the submarine Rostov-on-Don damaged during yesterday's attack.

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