Home ยป A rabble of “thieves” and a gang of beggars, but there are a lot of them, – colonel about the Russian army

A rabble of “thieves” and a gang of beggars, but there are a lot of them, – colonel about the Russian army

by alex

The Russian army has only one advantage – its numbers. However, one should not talk about high-quality personnel.

Roman Svitan, a reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a military expert, spoke about this Channel 24, flight instructor. According to him, Ukrainian defenders have already eliminated the professional Russian military.

Nuclear potential did not help

Roman Svitan emphasized that the Russian army is the second army in the world only thanks to its nuclear potential. The United States ranks first.

“As for the nuclear potential, this component played a cruel joke on them. They hoped for it very much,” the military expert explained.

In his opinion, the Russians themselves believed that that a nuclear state can never lose. However, they forgot ten years of war against Afghanistan.

That is, any army in the world, if it attacks and fights with the people, loses. Whether it has a nuclear potential or not is absolutely irrelevant, and the Russian army simply did not understand this,โ€ Svitan added.

The war in Afghanistan is a vivid example of how a nuclear state fled from the battlefield.

Roman Svitan gave a description of the Russian army: watch the video

APU will turn Russians into meat< /p>

Roman Svitan said that since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainians understood who they were facing. In particular, at first in the Russian army there was a layer of professional servicemen who made serving their homeland their profession.

“The Russians had about 100,000 of these professionals. We destroyed them,” he explained.

However, even this number of Russians managed to kill about the same number of Ukrainians, especially civilians.

According to a military expert, now the Russian army is several hundreds of thousands of amateurs who prioritize money.

Poor people who went for certain financial rewards to perform some action: hold on to a machine gun. Plus several tens of thousands from the colonies. If I can say – this is a rabble of “thieves” and a gang of beggars, – he stressed.

Svitan noted that there are still many such military men. Now for us this army poses a certain threat with its numbers. However, Ukraine receives enough iron to “grind all this meat on our territory”.

Enemy losses: the main thing

  • As of the morning of February 24, that is, exactly one year later of a full-scale invasion, Russia lost 146 thousand 820 personnel.
  • Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert, instructor pilot Roman Svitan named the ratio of losses of the Ukrainian and Russian sides.
  • Military expert Oleksiy Hetman stressed that the Ukrainian military inflicts much more damage on the enemy at the front. The APU does it with accurate shots.

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