Home » A powerful explosion occurred at a military base in Iraq: the US and Israel denied any involvement

A powerful explosion occurred at a military base in Iraq: the US and Israel denied any involvement

by alex

An explosion occurred at a military base in Iraq/Collage 24 Channel

At night in Iraq, near Baghdad, a powerful explosion occurred at a military base. The incident is reported to have occurred at a facility used by the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces.

The explosion occurred around midnight. The media report that there are also casualties, but their number is unknown. Some write about 3 victims, while others write about 8.

An explosion occurred at the Kalso base

As Reuters writes, citing its sources, the military base in Kalso, where the explosion occurred on April 19, is used by the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). By the way, this base is allegedly supported by Iran.

Two security sources said the explosion was the result of an unknown airstrike that occurred around midnight on Friday . Two PMF sources noted that the strikes did not result in casualties, but caused material damage, writes Reuters.

A military base in Iraq after the explosion: watch video

By the way, CNN writes that as a result of the explosion at a military base there are three casualties, and AFP, citing sources in The Iraqi Interior Ministry reports 8 wounded and 1 dead. It is not known exactly what the real number of victims and victims is, because different sources provide different data. It is worth noting that the Times of Israel also writes about one death in the explosion at an Iraqi military base.

Subsequently, Reuters also published updated information and stated 1 dead and 6 wounded. Two of the victims are allegedly in a hospital in the city of Hilla.

Who is involved in the explosion at a military base in Iraq is unknown.

The United States and Israel declared that they were not involved in the explosion

The US Central Command stated that they were not involved in the explosions at the military base in Iraq. They also published an official message on the X network.

We are aware of reports that the United States carried out airstrikes on Iraq today. These messages are not true. The United States did not carry out air strikes on Iraq today, Central Command wrote.

Israel also stated that it was not involved in the explosion in Iraq.

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