Home » A person was injured, 6 houses were damaged, – the head of the regional police department on the situation in the Sumy region

A person was injured, 6 houses were damaged, – the head of the regional police department on the situation in the Sumy region

by alex

The head of the OVA spoke about the situation in the Sumy region/Collage of Channel 24

Russian infidels on the evening of June 7 again shelled the Sumy region. Particularly residential areas. As a result, people's houses were damaged.

There are completely destroyed houses. The head of the Sumy regional military administration, Dmitry Zhivitsky, spoke about this on the air of the telethon, channel 24 reports.

The injured person

at least 6 residential buildings, as well as household structures, sheds, fences and other property of people. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, but one person was injured.

There were arrivals in the Krasnopol community. Heavy cannon artillery worked in the Middle Budskaya community. In the telegram, Zhivitsky also noted that in the evening they shelled the Shostka district, and at noon – the Velikopisarevskoe and Yunakovskoe society.

Sumy region is under daily shelling

The night passed quietly. However, Zhivitsky noted that over the past two months, the Russians have been shelling the Sumy region every day, so anything can be expected at any moment. Infidels are firing at border settlements. There are private residential areas. There are no factories, no enterprises, no strategic facilities there.

According to Zhivitsky, the invaders are shelling residential areas of the Sumy region to destabilize the situation. In addition, it harms investment, and therefore undermines the economy of the region. Despite this, the official assured that business is operating in the region and foreign investors remain.

What has been happening in the region in recent days

  • On June 6, the Russians fired about 4 mortars from mortars for the Velikopisarevskaya community. After dinner, the infidels seemed to go berserk: they opened fire from mortars on the territory of the Shalygin community. There were about 30 arrivals. An enemy drone dropped an improvised explosive device.
  • On June 5, Russian infidels again struck at the Sumy region – they fired at the Shostka district and the Belopolskaya community. In addition, 2 enemy missiles flew over the region.
  • On June 4, the invaders fired 6 air-to-ground missiles. As a result of the explosions, residential buildings in one of the settlements of the Sumy community were damaged.

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