Home » A month on the road across Ukraine: a volunteer from the Czech Republic completed a marathon to Donbass

A month on the road across Ukraine: a volunteer from the Czech Republic completed a marathon to Donbass

by alex

Author of the publication

Czech volunteer Peter

On the anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion In Ukraine, a volunteer from the Czech Republic Petr came to the Donetsk region. The man spent a month on the road to demonstrate his support to the Ukrainians. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24 website in direct speech.

Joy and euphoria

I am incredibly happy. I am overwhelmed with emotions of joy and delight.

I left my house in Khust in Transcarpathia at 8 am on January 25th. Today, February 24, at 15:45 I reached my goal. Now I am in the Donetsk region and I am glad that I did it.

I feel great! Only there is pain in the knee. He may need to be operated on.

I can't believe I walked that distance on foot. This is a great desire and willpower – a person can do anything if he wants. Anyone can help.

Although I didn't manage to collect 1.5 million crowns as planned from the very beginning, I'm not upset. If you calculate the amount from all accounts, then it comes out to about 620 thousand hryvnia. I will report on all the money spent on my Facebook page.

Peter walked almost 1300 kilometers/Volunteer photo

Volunteer has no plans to return home yet

I will not stop helping Ukraine. I will continue to volunteer and go to the soldiers at the front. Even now I will not go home, but to the guys from the 28th brigade in Konstantinovka. Just ask them what they need. For now, I planned to buy a bead for evacuating the wounded, and everything else – if necessary.

By the way, I will not forget the story of the dog bite until the end of my life. Like the people who helped me along the way. Who treated me to dinner, who did not take money for the night, and who simply supported me with a kind word. This is very valuable. Thank you all for your support.

Pay attention! You can still take part in the Czech volunteer fundraiser. Bank Monobank – by link; Oschadbank card – 4790 7299 1942 5850 (Ivan Shmano).

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