Home » A lot of sun and very warm: weather forecast in Ukraine for June 9

A lot of sun and very warm: weather forecast in Ukraine for June 9

by alex

Weather forecast for June 9./Unsplash

The weather in Ukraine on Thursday, June 9, will be sunny and hot. The real summer has begun. Time for a light outfit and sweet strawberries.

Short-term rains are predicted only in Transcarpathia, Odessa, Mykolaiv and temporarily occupied Crimea. The sun will shine throughout Ukraine.

The average daily temperature will be +27…+29 degrees. It will be warmest in Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions. Up to +30 degrees is predicted there. The coolest is in the temporarily occupied Crimea. According to weather forecasters, the air temperature will warm up to +23…+25 degrees.

It will be sunny and warm in the capital. In Kyiv they promise +27…+29 degrees of heat.

Weather forecast for Didenko

Natalya Didenko noted that the summer started as requested. There will be a lot of sun in Ukraine. Precipitation is unlikely in most areas of the country.

Exceptions are the Carpathians, Sumy region, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson regions and Crimea. In these parts of Ukraine, there will be short-term thunderstorms in places, the Ukrainian weather forecaster said.

According to Didenko, the wind will be southeast, moderate. Stronger gusts are forecast in the West and South. Forecasters did not notice that the young summer is pushing the Ukrainians to the heat. Simple fabrics and dark glasses become relevant. Strawberries and cherries are with us.

In addition, Didenko urged Ukrainians to take at least a small bottle of water with them. Forecaster stressed that it is important not to forget: at this time, even such familiar things as clean, water, shower and fresh strawberries may not be available to someone.

Weather forecast in Ukrainian cities.

  • Uzhgorod – +26…+28;
  • Lviv – +27…+29;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk – +27…+29;
  • Ternopil – +27…+29;< /li>
  • Chernivtsi – +26…+28;
  • Khmelnitsky – +27…+29;
  • Lutsk – +27…+29;
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  • Rivne – +27…+29;
  • Zhytomyr – +27…+29;
  • Vinnytsia – +27…+29;
  • < li>Odessa – +24…+26;

  • Nikolaev – +27…+29;
  • Kherson – +27…+29;
  • Simferopol – +23…+25;
  • Kropyvnytskyi – +27…+29;
  • Cherkassy – +27…+29;
  • Chernihiv – +26…+28;
  • Amounts – +26…+28;
  • Poltava – +27…+29;
  • Dnepr – +28… +30;
  • Zaporozhye – +28…+30;
  • Donetsk – +27…+29;
  • Lugansk – +27…+29;
  • Kharkiv – +27…+29;
  • Kyiv – +27…+29.

Lots of sun and very warm weather forecast for Ukraine on June 9

Weather forecast for Ukraine on June 8.

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