Home » A lot depends on Trump: what has changed in his latest statements

A lot depends on Trump: what has changed in his latest statements

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc90 class="news-annotation">Donald Trump is not the last political figure in the United States. He is putting pressure on Republicans not to vote for aid to Ukraine. However, he suddenly began to say that as president he could help Ukraine more than Biden.

Such political manipulations by Trump are already a familiar move of the eccentric ex-president of the United States. International affairs expert, candidate of political science Bogdan Ferens told 24 Channel that Trump’s actions always entail important consequences.

Trump's influence on Republicans is enormous

After Vladimir Putin's interview with journalist Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump's statements began to differ from what he said before. In particular, the former US President said that he could do more for Ukraine than Joe Biden if he came to power again.

Changes may be of an internal nature, which are sometimes not visible in rhetoric. Rhetoric is already the consequences of what is happening behind the scenes, in these non-public negotiations between Republicans and Democrats. “A lot in the Republican Party depends on how Trump defines priorities,” noted Bogdan Ferenc.

Even those who did not particularly support Donald Trump after his participation in the primaries, understand that his support can only increase. That's why Trump's opponents in the Republican Party are not making any drastic moves now.

“There is a certain party line going on that not everyone wants to cross. Trump before the election after the elections, these could be two different Trumps. I won’t say that he will change radically, he will inherit certain elements from his image when he was president for the first time,” the international affairs expert noted.< /p>

In particular, in the capitals of European states that are NATO members, possible changes in the level of transatlantic cooperation are expected.

Unexpected statements by Trump and Putin: what is known

  • Vladimir Putin, after an interview with Tucker Carlson, gave another interview to a Russian journalist . In it, the dictator suddenly spoke about Joe Biden as a presidential candidate in the 2024 elections. Like, Biden is better than Trump because he is “more predictable.”
  • After this, Donald Trump himself made a comment towards his competitor. He suddenly announced that Joe Biden allegedly wants to “give Ukraine” to Vladimir Putin. They say that under Biden’s presidency, Putin can get “everything he wants.” But supposedly Trump can help Ukraine more.
  • The statements of both politicians should not be taken too seriously. Everyone plays their own political game, fueled by numerous manipulations. It will be possible to understand the real intentions of Trump and Putin after the elections in the United States.

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