Home » A gang of Ingush killed Kadyrovites: in the Kherson region, the occupiers are fighting among themselves for stolen goods from Ukrainians

A gang of Ingush killed Kadyrovites: in the Kherson region, the occupiers are fighting among themselves for stolen goods from Ukrainians

by alex

Russian invaders are desperately fighting among themselves for the opportunity to loot and sell Ukrainian property/”Left coast”

The Russian occupying forces that are not on the front line in the Kherson region are behaving like spiders in a jar. The invaders fully fight among themselves to secure their own enrichment.

According to Channel 24 sources in the Ukrainian special services, in mid-May, the struggle for the distribution of humanitarian aid, and control over the ways of exporting the stolen goods, was between the FSB officers and the generals of the Russian Armed Forces. But already at the end of the month, separate bandit formations appeared, acting as a third force in this caudle.

Some officers do everything not to participate in hostilities, but at the same time enrich themselves as much as possible. They are not interested in the seizure of Ukrainian territories, but in looting in the cities under their control.

The Ingush shot the Kadyrovites

  • In early June, the heads of the Russian army learned that in the rear of the troops of the invaders began to increasingly fight with small arms.
  • On the territories of some enterprises, the bodies of Kadyrov’s, Russian military personnel, and also mercenaries were found. At the same time, the invaders belonged to those units that should not be at the place of their death at all.
  • A small investigation showed that we were talking about local conflicts between Russian invaders, and the military personnel acted on the orders of their direct command.
  • As it turned out, a mid-level officer formed a gang of residents of Ingushetia, operating in the Genichesk district of Kherson. In parallel with this, other groups were operating in the region – from the Kadyrovites and “Slavic” units.
  • Since looting on a large scale is the prerogative of the generals, and the unauthorized export of agricultural machinery, grain and other large cargo may well lead to serious consequences on the part of the command, the officers tried to keep their activities secret.
  • The leaders of the gangs ordered their subordinates to shoot at the place of all who will witness their crimes. They took out the loot along with the caravans of the marauded by order of the generals.

It is not known how much the Russian military stole and concealed from the high command in this way, but army and FSB generals estimate their losses at least several million dollars. It is reliably known that Kadyrov's gangs were able to take several combines and tractors through the Crimea past the command. The Ingush, on the other hand, were engaged in theft from warehouses, where, on the orders of the generals, household appliances stolen from Ukrainians were brought.

When the members of the two groups met “during the case”, there was shooting between them. During it, one of the officers of the Russian Guard, close to Kadyrov, died.

FSB officers are planning a showdown in the Kremlin

Since military structures are competitors in “business” for high-ranking FSB officials, cases of fighting among themselves for the opportunity to steal something valuable can be used by the special services to their advantage. Thus, employees of the Russian security service are preparing denunciations about how the army command does not control its own troops even on the territory where there is no Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The FSB wants Putin and Shoigu to be removed from the command of the generals responsible for the Kherson direction. They hope that with the complete failure of the capture of the Mykolaiv region, the lack of success in deterring operational counter-offensives in the Kherson region, and also due to significant losses of personnel and equipment, the authorities in the highest offices will clear the way for them to loot and theft.

The generals of the Russian Armed Forces are trying to hush up the very fact of the existence of gangs created from military groups, as well as to conceal such non-combat losses from the heads of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, of course, it is important for them to stay in their positions and continue robbery and looting on Ukrainian soil.

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