Home ยป A Few More Russian Commanders Will Never Return Home Again

A Few More Russian Commanders Will Never Return Home Again

by alex

A few more Russian commanders will never return home again/Facebook StratCom AFU

Ukrainian defenders continue to liquidate the Russian invaders. In particular, several commanders will never be able to return to the aggressor state.

The Department of Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published data and photos of liquidated Russian military commanders online.

There are even fewer Russian commanders

The StratCom of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has published the results of another successful “Ukrainian Safari 2.0”. The military eliminated:

  • The 10th separate special forces brigade – senior lieutenant from the city of Surovykino, Volgograd region, Evgeny Zelenkov;
  • the commander of a control platoon from the village of Chuvashskoye, Tatarstan – Ivan Dulatov;
  • Deputy Chief of Service of the 5th Directorate of Military Unit 33744 โ€“ Captain Andrey Kirilin.

We got lost during the “exercises”, but have already returned home, – summed up in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Recall, during the full-scale war against Ukraine, Russia has already lost at least 16,400 of its fighters.

A few more Russian commanders never again will return home

These Russians killed Ukrainians, but they are no longer there/Photo by StratCom of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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