Home » A difficult substance: what could Medvedev use before the “prophecy”

A difficult substance: what could Medvedev use before the “prophecy”

by alex

Dmitry Medvedev decided to make absurd predictions for 2023. His forecasts may seem funny and unrealistic, but this is how Russia sees the world and strives for it.

A political expert and head of the Center for Public Analytics spoke about this Channel 24” Tower” Valery Klochok. According to him, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council could write his “forecast” under the influence of alcohol and drugs, otherwise it is hard to imagine how such things could have come to this.

Under what was Medvedev

Valery Klochok is convinced that Dmitry Medvedev's last stuffing was fueled by psychotropic substances, because the picture of the world that Medvedev portrayed in his post is a “high-grade apocalypse”.

According to a political expert, this should be treated half as a joke like Elon Musk did when he agreed that he should be President of the United States. At the same time, Valery Klochok is convinced that this publication should be fairly reacted against Russia in the international institutions and governments of Ukraine's allies.

The political expert suggested that Dmitry Medvedev, like Vladimir Putin, uses some kind of toxic psychotropic substances, so they pose a threat to the whole world, because they have a big country in their hands that threatens everyone.

They are in charge of a state of 140 million, which they are mobilizing for a war against the whole world, a decision needs to be made. Really. What are these solutions? Putin and Medvedev must be destroyed, said Valery Klochok.

In his own words, Medvedev questions the expediency of the existence of the planet, and Putin plays along with him in this, which means he agrees with this. Since such a threat has arisen over the existence of the world, it must be destroyed, the political expert is convinced.

The political expert told what to do after Medvedev's statements: watch the video

Valery Klochok is sure that none of the presidents of Ukraine or other countries would allow themselves and officials to make such statements, and in any normal country a criminal case would have been opened for such statements.

What do we see? Putin is silent, everyone says “ok, super”, Solovyov, Skabeeva and Simonyan, perhaps, also play along with Medvedev,” Klochok noted.

In this situation, everything that Medvedev wrote is a picture of the world that he sees today, the top leadership of Russia, and, accordingly, is a threat to the whole world that needs to be destroyed.

From pinned oranges to Nuland biscuits

The fantasy of Russians is distorted so much that a normal person can perceive the theses of Russian propaganda as a joke, but, as it turned out, Russians live in such a worldview and relay their distorted views to the real world.

Valery Klochok recalled the story of “stab oranges” during the Orange Revolution and “Nuland cookies” during the Euromaidan. Then the Russians tried by all means to explain the proactive position of the Ukrainians and did not come up with anything better than creating a story about drug use.

According to a political expert, these jokes turned into real things, namely, the annexation of the territory of Ukraine.

I could not even think that in the 21st century, in the conditions of a any country can take away part of another country, so just take it and annex it, send your troops there and say “this is mine,” said Valery Klochok.

In his opinion, these phenomena are characteristic of the Middle Ages, and this is how Russia operates today. The publication of Dmitry Medvedev is an indicator of the intentions of what Russia is striving for, that is, the voicing of plans. The political expert is convinced that if the world does not want these intentions to come true, it is necessary to react.

“These are all jokes, it looks funny, but these are all serious things,” summed up Klochok.

What Medvedev Predicted

  • The ex-president of Russia has published another surreal 10-point forecast for the future of the world in 2023 in his telegram channel.< /li>
  • In his opinion, a civil war will take place in the United States, Elon Musk will become president, and the euro and the dollar will cease to be world reserve currencies.
  • In addition, the sick politician announced the creation of the “Fourth Reich” on the base of Germany and its “satellites”, the seizure of the western regions of Ukraine by Poland and Hungary and the collapse of the European Union.
  • What exactly Medvedev used when celebrating his new post as first deputy chairman of the military-industrial commission is unknown.
  • < /ul>

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