Home » A 14-year-old IDP told why residents of the occupied cities urgently need to leave

A 14-year-old IDP told why residents of the occupied cities urgently need to leave

by alex

14-year-old Nastya explained why people should leave/Collage 24 channels

14-year-old Nastya Aleksikova left Severodonetsk, Luhansk region. The girl also saved her wounded mother, while her father remained in the hospital.


The girl said on SVOI channel 24 that she did not know if her father was alive, because he was also wounded. It is worth remembering that 53-year-old Oksana from Kharkov explained that people get used to constant explosions, so when it arrived 40 meters from home, it was no longer scary.

A 14-year-old girl turned to those who are afraid leave

The girl answered the question of what she could say to people who are afraid to leave their parents' homes and move to safer places.

I can only advise you to urgently leave Severodonetsk or other occupied or dangerous regions. I know that now in my city there are no hostilities, he is passionate, there are no worries. But no one knows how everything will return, – Nastya explained.

Added that no one knows how everything will return. Also, 14-year-old Nastya Aleksikova explained:

  • the decision to leave is timely and successful, especially as long as there are no fights again;
  • you need to leave happily, because the remaining people are risking their lives;
  • citizens should think about themselves, their families, and already then about his home.

Briefly about the departure of Ukrainians from the occupied territories

  • On July 25, Dmitry Orlov explained that the situation in Energodar, temporarily occupied by Russia, remains extremely tense . In particular, because the Russian invaders carry out systematic shelling from the territory of the city.
  • Previously, it was possible to deliver humanitarian cargo to Energodar once a week. Now the situation is becoming more complicated, because the occupiers do not let rubber cargo through. Moreover, people who are evacuated to Zaporozhye are not allowed to pass.
  • The situation with the evacuation of people in Zaporozhye is very difficult. After all, Russian infidels at the checkpoint in Vasilyevka blocked thousands of people who are trying to evacuate to the territory controlled by Ukraine. People, among whom there are children and seriously ill patients, are forced to wait the other day in the streets during great heat.
  • Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov said that approximately 5,000 people are in line to leave the temporarily occupied city, that is, more than a thousand auto.
  • All because the Russian occupiers do not let people through at checkpoints. Also, people there do not have medical care. Unfortunately, 5 people have already died in the queues.

See also – the mayor of Energodar Dmitry Orlov explained that the situation is getting worse, the invaders are blocking the exit: video

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