Home » 99% of Russians in captivity want to go for an exchange – Maluska

99% of Russians in captivity want to go for an exchange – Maluska

by alex

The kid about the prisoner camp/Collage 24 channels

Many Russian soldiers are captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Ukraine, they are placed in special camps for keeping prisoners. It is interesting that many Russians do not want to stay in Ukraine and dream of doing an exchange.

Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denis Malyuska told Channel 24 about this. He said that Russian prisoners of war were interviewed, and they admitted that 99% of them want to be exchanged.

According to him, captive infidels tell different stories about being forced “put” into the Russian armed forces.

They say they didn't want to fight, but if they didn't listen, they could get some fines, to go to jail or something else, so they were forced to lay down their arms right away,” said Malysh.

He added that there is a fact that the Russians are ready to return at the first opportunity, but they obviously will not be told to sit and rest, so this is worrying.

“However, they (the prisoners of war – Channel 24) are to exchange. During the war, it is important to demonstrate that we comply with the Geneva Convention. In addition, we have the opportunity to return Ukrainian soldiers from Russian captivity,” the minister said.

Where Russian prisoners are placed: main

  • The Ministry of Justice reported that Russian soldiers who have just been captured, or for whom there are plans to exchange them for Ukrainian defenders, are placed in penitentiary institutions almost throughout Ukraine.
  • They are kept separate from other prisoners for the safety of the POWs themselves.
  • They also created a special camp for prisoners of war in Western Ukraine, where those who are not expected to be exchanged in the near future are kept.
  • Denis Malyuska said that only 3,000 hryvnias are needed for one prisoner of war occupier every month.

Kafir losses in the war

Let's add that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to destroy 33,800 Russian invaders. Moreover, over the past day, 200 infidels have joined the ranks of the “200th”.

The number of enemy equipment is reduced daily. Already on the balance sheet of the second army of the world there are 1477 tanks, 3588 armored combat vehicles, 749 artillery systems, 238 multiple launch rocket systems, 98 air defense units less.

In addition, 216 were turned into scrap metal aircraft, 181 helicopters, 601 operational-tactical UAVs, 130 cruise missiles, 14 ships, 2527 vehicles and tankers, as well as 55 units of special equipment. shelling by the Russians on Zmeiny Island

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