Home » 9 rings of Putin: the SBU responded powerfully and published a fiery photo

9 rings of Putin: the SBU responded powerfully and published a fiery photo

by alex

On December 26, Vladimir Putin once again crawled out of the bunker. The official reason is to hold the so-called “informal CIS summit”. In fact, to realize their crazy fantasy in the style of “Lord of the Rings”.

Representatives of 9 countries became guests of the summit. Putin handed them all rings – gold pieces with the symbols of the CIS without any hint of jewelry taste.

It seems that only the self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was delighted with the gift. He immediately tried on an orc ring.

Putin's rings were given to:

  • President of Azerbaijan;
  • Prime Minister of Armenia;
  • President of Kazakhstan;
  • President of Kyrgyzstan;
  • President of Tajikistan;
  • President of Turkmenistan;
  • President of Uzbekistan;
  • self-proclaimed president of Belarus.

How the SBU reacted

The SBU reacted to the “Lord of the Rings”, which Putin tried to play on his “sabbat of the CIS”.

We read that “behind the curb” one war criminal made 9 rings and thinks that this will help him defeat us. We have read Tolkien and we have only bad news for him,” the SBU said.

The SBU reacted to Putin’s rings/SBU

In addition, the security forces published a very symbolic photo.

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