Home » 60% of students will study at state expense: Shmygal spoke about the details of the educational reform

60% of students will study at state expense: Shmygal spoke about the details of the educational reform

by alex

In Ukraine, in 2024, it is planned to launch a large-scale reform of higher education, which in the future will expand the number of students who will have various types of state support to 60%.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal announced this at a government meeting.

— Now there is training “on a budget” and under contract. We propose to change this approach in order to cover as many students as possible with government support. Today we are adopting a bill that provides that in the future students will be able to study at the expense of state orders, state grants, preferential loans, as well as on a contract form of education, — he noted.

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Shmygal added that the state order — This is a completely free student education for budget funds.

— At the same time, we are introducing a model of government grants that will allow us to fully or partially cover training costs. Now 60% of students study on a contract basis. Our goal — so that on the contrary, more than 60% of students received various types of government support, — he emphasized.

He explained that the state order will concern primarily the specialties that Ukraine needs. The state will pay tuition for the best students in such specialties, and after successful graduation from the university it will offer the first job.

State grants, according to the Prime Minister, will allow full or partial coverage of training costs. The funds will not need to be returned or worked out. The size of the grant will be influenced by two factors: the results of external knowledge assessment and the chosen specialty.

This new system will only apply to new applicants.

Among the innovations that the Ukrainian government also offers — establishing special conditions for admission to study at universities for veterans, children of deceased Ukrainian military personnel, children with disabilities, orphans and other preferential categories.

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— Higher education must become of higher quality and more accessible to those who really want it, — he summed up.

By the way, Shmygal also reported that in 2024, payments to teachers will increase by 21%, in general, budget expenditures on education will reach more than 170 billion UAH

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