Home » 250 million left: why the White House demands to provide Ukraine with 33 billion dollars of assistance

250 million left: why the White House demands to provide Ukraine with 33 billion dollars of assistance

by alex

White House/Getty Images

< strong _ngcontent-sc86="">The administration of US President Joe Biden has submitted an additional application to Congress for $33 billion in aid to Ukraine. These funds should be used primarily for armament for the war against Russia.

The United States remains one of the largest arms suppliers to Ukraine. However, the money allocated in March 2022 for these needs has almost run out. This information was also confirmed by White House Speaker Jen Psaki during a press conference.

“We had $3.5 billion in military security. We have about $250 million left of that,” Jen Psaki said. .

Joe Biden has asked Congress for more help for our state. This time we are talking about 33 billion dollars.

At the same time, in her words, the White House will work to ensure that these funds were allocated more quickly, and military equipment was transferred to Ukraine. First of all, we are talking about artillery. Jen Psaki called the allocation of funds for Ukraine “an urgent need, just as the need for funding the fight against COVID is urgent.”

Where $33 billion in US aid will go

  • Joe Biden has asked Congress for $33 billion in aid for Ukraine. These funds should be used to purchase non-lunch weapons for Ukraine. Biden also said that the United States was ready to confiscate the property of Russian oligarchs and persons close to the Russian authorities, and transfer the proceeds from its sales to the restoration of Ukraine.
  • The Congress said that they were ready to promptly approve this request.
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  • US$20.4 billion is intended to equip Ukraine and European partners with additional artillery, armored vehicles, anti-tank and air capabilities. It also provides for the acceleration of cyber capabilities and advanced air defense systems and the clearance of landmines and improvised explosive devices.
  • US$8.5 billion is also earmarked to support small and medium-sized agricultural businesses during the fall harvest and natural gas purchases.
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  • Another $8.5 billion will be used to finance the government of Ukraine, supporting food, energy and health services for Ukrainians.

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