Home » 20 Kadyrovites defeated: volunteers from Ichkeria entered the Belgorod region and recorded a video

20 Kadyrovites defeated: volunteers from Ichkeria entered the Belgorod region and recorded a video

by alex

Volunteers from Ichkeria operate in the Belgorod region/Collage 24 Channel

Volunteers from the Republic of Ichkeria reported on March 14 that they were in the Belgorod region. They recorded a powerful message in which they called on the enslaved peoples of Russia to rise up.

The volunteers also said “hello” to Kadyrov. Already on March 16, the military spoke about the defeat of the Akhmat-WEST group.

What volunteers from Ichkeria said

The appeal states that the group of veteran of the Russian-Chechen war Abdul-Hakim continues the centuries-old struggle for freedom of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria against Russia.

We have entered deep into Russia and this is just the beginning. Soon we will enter the territory of the North Caucasus as liberators. We will fight until the two-headed hydra completely liberates the territory of occupied Chechnya and releases all our captive brothers and sisters who have been illegally held in Russian prisons for many years, the volunteers said.

< p>Abdul-Hakim Shishani called on all occupied peoples, all Muslims to rise up and resist Russian aggression in any way possible, without exposing themselves to danger.

Abdul-Hakim asked Caucasians and all Muslims, how can they go to the polls. He called not to go to “elect” Putin, because his regime and Russia have been killing Muslims for centuries and using them for their own purposes.

Kadyrov, Many surprises await you soon. Wait for us. And by the way, we never met your battalions here. We are not at all surprised, but we would really like to see you,” said Abdul-Hakim.

Volunteers from Ichkeria appealed to Muslims from the Belgorod region: watch video

Volunteers said on March 16 that in the Belgorod region they had completely destroyed Kadyrov's Akhmat-WEST group. It consisted of approximately 20 people who were destroyed, including officers.

What is happening in Russia

  • On the morning of March 12, the Russian Volunteer Corps, Freedom of Russia and the Siberian Battalion announced that they had entered Russian territory. In particular, to the Belgorod and Kursk regions.
  • They called their goal the liberation of Russia from Vladimir Putin. Although this may not be possible now, they do not plan to achieve the goal.
  • Since then, fighting has continued in the border regions of Russia. A fighter of the Legion “Freedom of Russia” Alexey Baranovsky said that Russia lost approximately 20 soldiers of its army killed and wounded.

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