Home » 18 Completely Secret Documents Among Newspaper Clippings: New Details of Trump's High-profile Search

18 Completely Secret Documents Among Newspaper Clippings: New Details of Trump's High-profile Search

by alex


The FBI seized over 11,000 government documents and photographs during a search of former US President Donald Trump's estate. In addition, there were empty folders marked “secret”.

The court records were made public on the details of the searches. At the Trump estate in Florida on August 8, 18 records and photographs were found marked “top secret”, 54 – “secret” and 31 – “confidential”.

Documents among Newspaper clippings

Journalists point out that “top secret” is the highest level for state secrets.

Interestingly, classified documents were sometimes combined with other items. For example, books, magazines and newspaper clippings.

Empty folders

We also found 90 empty folders, 48 ​​of which were marked “secret”. It is not clear why the folders were empty. There should probably be other records.

Previously, it was reported that 71 empty folders were seized from the Trump office and another 19 from the storage for classified documents in Mar-a-Lago, which were marked with restricted access.< /p>

What we know about the searches

  • The FBI searched Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. This happened during an investigation into his seizure of classified documents from the White House.
  • The Justice Department released a court document with the grounds for searches. They emphasized that the documents that Trump took could threaten national security.
  • Trump is suspected of seizing or destroying documents, obstructing an investigation and violating the law on espionage.

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