Home » Zuckerberg denies Facebook harms children

Zuckerberg denies Facebook harms children

by alex

Moscow. October 6. INTERFAX.RU – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has denied accusations by former product manager Frances Haugen that the platform is harming children.

“We care deeply about issues such as safety, wellbeing and mental health,” Zuckerberg said in a statement posted on Facebook.

According to him, Haugen's claims are meaningless.

“If we wanted to ignore research, why would we have created an industry-leading research program to sort out these critical issues? company in our space? ” – he noted.

Zuckerberg added that “at the heart of these accusations is the idea that we prioritize profit over safety and well-being. This is simply not true.”

The head of Facebook also called the disruption in the social network “the worst outage in recent years.”

He noted that the company has spent the last 24 hours thinking about how to harden its systems against such disruptions and added that “this is also a reminder of how important our work is to people.”

“I know it's frustrating to see that the good work we do is mischaracterized (…). But I believe in the long run, if we continue to try to do what's right and provide experiences that improve the lives of people, it will be better for our community and our business, “- said Zuckerberg.

He also said that he asked the top managers of the company to do the work, which should show the public all the efforts of Facebook to ensure the safety of users.

Earlier, Haugen said at a hearing in the US Senate that Facebook relies too much on artificial intelligence to combat hate speech, misinformation and inappropriate advertising for minors. She also expressed the opinion that Facebook products are harmful to children, and the company puts profit over user safety.

The day before, there was a global failure of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. The problems with the work of social networks lasted for about six hours.

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