Home » Zhirinovsky gave advice to Trump

Zhirinovsky gave advice to Trump

by alex

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky advised US presidential candidate Donald Trump to resist. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

“By all legal votes, you win. You have a powerful team: file lawsuits in all courts, make them cut off the votes that came after voting day. Go to the Supreme Court and get your victory recognized! ”The Russian politician wrote.

Zhirinovsky noted that any elections end on the day they are scheduled. Since November 3 was such a day in the United States, only those ballots that arrived before the end of voting day should be accepted, the rest should be thrown away or sent to the archive, he said. “Therefore, it is necessary to protect the interests of the American people from fakes,” added Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

On November 7, Democrat Joe Biden, who received 273 of the required 270 electoral votes and thus secured his victory, declared himself elected President of the United States.

In turn, Donald Trump said that he hopes to regain his leading position in a number of states through the courts. According to the head of state, he was leading by a wide margin in several states on the evening of election day, and then a few days later this gap “miraculously evaporated.”

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