Home » Zelensky at the forum in Davos called for quick decisions on weapons for Ukraine: full text of speech

Zelensky at the forum in Davos called for quick decisions on weapons for Ukraine: full text of speech

by alex

Ukrainian President stressed that evil, which today personifies Russia, seeks revenge, so the world needs determination and speed.

During the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, the President of Ukraine spoke about the crisis of time that the modern world is experiencing and the need to adopt quick solutions to stay ahead of the spread of evil.

TSN.ua publishes the full text of the speech of the Ukrainian leader.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Ten hours ago, a tragedy occurred in the suburbs of Kyiv.

As a result of the helicopter crash, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, his colleagues and the crew of the helicopter, which fell on a kindergarten, were killed.

14 Ukrainian families lost their relatives today. And many more families lose their loved ones every day because of the war.

I ask you to honor the memory of all those who lost Ukraine with a minute of silence.

Just a minute. And it contains the memory of so many people. Ukraine is experiencing a thousand such minutes. Among them are three minutes on January 14.

Three minutes is the time it took a Russian missile to cover hundreds of kilometers, hit a residential building in the Dnieper and killed at least 45 people.

My speech will be short. About time, which is not enough. About a matter of minutes. About the years of these minutes.

Three years ago I spoke for the first time in Davos. Live. The theme was: building a sustainable and cohesive world. Now I perform online. Theme: Cooperation in a divided and fragmented world.

Findings? Obvious. The world does not have time to respond to changes and challenges.

One more should be added to the crises of global security, ecology, food and energy. This is a crisis of time.

One more should be added to the calls for decisive, effective and joint action. This is a call for speed. Decision making speed. Reactions of the civilized world.

Tragedies are ahead of life. Tyranny is ahead of democracy.

It took Russia less than one second to start a war. It took the world days to impose the first sanctions for this.

The time the free world spends thinking, the terrorist state spends killing.

Ukraine, together with its allies, has been countering this for almost a year. This time proved that all our quick decisions gave a positive result: the opening of borders for Ukrainians by Europe, the grain agreement, energy unity. All this has saved millions of people. Not only in Ukraine.

Not only in Ukraine, but the whole world needs just such a pace of decisions and actions.

The world wavered in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea without hesitation. The world wavered in 2022 when Russia went full scale war without hesitation. The world must not waver today and never again.

When evil seeks revenge, the world needs determination and speed. Russia exports terror. Russia is spreading a strain of war around the world. Ukraine offers the world a formula for peace. I beg. Ten steps that the world must take faster than the Russian Federation takes new steps.

Peace mobilization should prevent another mobilization of our common enemy.

Providing air defense to Ukraine should outpace new Russian missile attacks. The supply of Western tanks should outpace the invasion of the next Russian tanks. Restoring security and peace in Ukraine should prevent Russia from attacking the security and peace of other countries. The war crimes tribunal must prevent new ones.

The expansion of NATO and the EU should prevent the spread of Russian aggression. We are now defending values ​​on a daily basis that the Allies take for granted.

The given for us is that the world needs decisive and quick steps.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Three years ago I took part in the World Economic Forum for the first time. Then the world fought against COVID-19. Fought and won. Now the world is fighting against Putin. And in three years in Davos we will talk about new challenges and threats. What does this mean?

That we will definitely defeat today's threat.

History repeats itself. At first, the world does not notice or underestimate the threat. Then he rallies and opposes her. And then the world wins. At all times, the end is always the same.

The world has defeated Nazism, apartheid, pandemics, indifference to climate change, financial crises and the Kremlin strain. The world will win again.

Here's what you can say in a few minutes. Here's what you can understand in a few minutes. The world will win again! It's time to do it faster.

Glory to Ukraine!

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