Home » Yandex announced the launch of the Segalovich Foundation

Yandex announced the launch of the Segalovich Foundation

by alex

Yandex announced the launch of a fund named after the company's co-founder Ilya Segalovich. The organization will support teachers of mathematics and computer technology, as well as develop the education sector and the professional community. In addition, the foundation will launch its own projects and will provide grants to organizations and public initiatives. In 2022, the amount of grants will be 250 million rubles.

Yandex said that the Segalovich Foundation was created on the basis of a program to improve the educational environment in Russia, which the company launched in 2019. Under this program, Yandex will invest 5 billion rubles by 2023 in the development of its own free educational projects.

“Ilya was burning with his work, sincerely loved people and helped those who needed it. For many, he was a mentor and example – a teacher in the highest sense of the word. The fund will act in the spirit of Ilya – to create educational solutions that, on the one hand, have a positive effect on the life of a particular person, and on the other, improve society as a whole, “said Elena Bunina, General Director of Yandex in Russia.

As the company specified, the fund will provide grants to organizations and public initiatives. The projects will be evaluated by the Foundation's experts, including representatives of the education sector, well-known public figures, as well as Yandex managers. The full jury will be announced on November 10.

At the beginning of 2019, Yandex established the Ilya Segalovich Scientific Prize – it is awarded to students, graduate students and supervisors for research in the field of computer science.

Ilya Segalovich was one of the co-founders of the company and the creator of its first search engine. In the last years of his life, he served as the technical director of Yandex and was a member of the company's board of directors. Segalovich died in July 2013.

Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

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