Home » “Worse than NATO servicemen”: Lukashenka criticized Ukraine for strengthening the border from migrants from Belarus

“Worse than NATO servicemen”: Lukashenka criticized Ukraine for strengthening the border from migrants from Belarus

by alex

Lukashenka expressed concern over the strengthening of the Ukrainian border.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka asserts that “a build-up of the military contingent of Ukraine” is taking place near the borders of Belarus.

He stated this on January 17, BelTA informs.

In his opinion, the alleged “build-up of the military contingent” is taking place to protect against the flow of migrants. But he convinces that illegal immigrants do not intend to move in the direction of Ukraine.

“Ukraine continues to build up its forces, concentrating units of the National Guard from” radical nationalists “. This is even worse than NATO military personnel. And this is all in the immediate vicinity of the state border of our country. Again, under the guise of fighting migrants. But “migrants won't get there even in a nightmare. They don't go there and are not going to go to Ukraine, we understand this very well,” Lukashenka said.

In particular, the special operation “Polesie” in Volyn, within the framework of which several scenarios for the invasion of illegal immigrants were worked out, Lukashenka perceived as “an increase in the military contingent.”

“Up to 10,000 servicemen have been withdrawn from the border. That is, the dynamics of the ongoing buildup of the military contingent on the southern borders of our country,” Lukashenka said.

As you know, on November 23, Ukraine launched a special border operation “Polesie” on the border with Belarus in order to prevent a migration crisis.

Recall that Belarus provoked a migration crisis on its borders with Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.

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