Home » World War III is already underway: why they started talking about NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine

World War III is already underway: why they started talking about NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine

by alex

The Third World War is already underway: why they are talking about NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine/Getty Images

Poland has proposed to introduce a NATO peacekeeping contingent into the territory of Ukraine. I note that for such a decision to be made, the consent of the entire Alliance is required. Read more in the exclusive blog for the Channel 24 website.

A possible option here is a UN solution. However, again, in this organization, Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. This is also impossible.

Who wants to attract NATO troops

Actively talking about the involvement of NATO troops, first of all, those countries that are in the danger zone – like Poland. It is possible that Russia will strike at one of the countries of this military-political bloc closest to it. The attack on the Yavorivsky test site showed the real risk of such a development of events.

Therefore, the states located in the affected area are more actively talking about military participation. World War III is de facto already underway, and it will be very difficult to prevent it by limiting ourselves to a war at the local level. We are already seeing the first signals of Moscow's readiness to act exactly according to this scenario in Russia itself.

Being ahead of the curve

We have heard about the Baltic countries. These statements were made on the eve of the war. That supposedly it is necessary to seize the Suwalski corridor.

None of the neighboring countries located near Russia excludes the possibility that at some point the war will be transferred to their territories. Moreover, the Russian authorities are now guided in their actions only by military logic.

It should be reasonably understood that one day war will come to one of the countries on NATO's eastern flank. To the same Baltic, for example.

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