Home ยป Woman Wanted to Change Her Appearance and Dies Suddenly After Popular Surgery

Woman Wanted to Change Her Appearance and Dies Suddenly After Popular Surgery

by alex

The woman wanted to change her appearance, but a tragedy occurred.

A 26-year-old woman died suddenly in Ireland after weight loss surgery. The tragedy occurred due to a blood clot.

Mirror.co.uk writes about this.

26-year-old Erin Dennis underwent weight loss surgery in Turkey. Over time, she became ill, she spent 43 hours and 38 minutes in the emergency room, where the cause of her abdominal pain was diagnosed as kidney stones. After this, the girl was advised to recover at home and a few days later Erin lost consciousness in the middle of the street and died.

The inquest heard Erin Dennis decided to travel to Turkey in November 2021 for surgery to remove a gastric tube after researching the subject, and took multivitamin supplements after the operation. TUH consultant neurologist Allan McCarthy said medical records showed she had been vomiting five or six times a day for eight weeks when she was admitted to hospital in January 2022. Dr McCarthy said the patient had been diagnosed with Wernicke's encephalopathy, a brain disorder caused by a lack of vitamin B1.

Dr McCarthy also noted there was no record of Dennis taking any anti-clotting medication after her surgery in Turkey. The court heard that doctors did not think the girl was at risk of developing a blood clot when she attended the outpatients' clinic for a check-up, as she was six weeks post-operative and appeared to be in good health.

Coroner Claire Keane gave a narrative verdict based on “very complex” evidence relating to several issues surrounding the deceased's health at various times before her death. Dr Keane confirmed the cause of death was a pulmonary embolism following a thrombosis in a deep vein in the artery in the deceased's left leg.

In expressing her condolences, Dr Keane said Erin had hoped that the operation she had in Turkey would “change her life”. She added: “The tragic outcome was unforeseen.”

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