Home » Without China, the economy will not work: what mechanisms can force Russia to make concessions

Without China, the economy will not work: what mechanisms can force Russia to make concessions

by alex

Without China, the economy will not work: what mechanisms can force Russia to make concessions Dzvenislava Moshovskaya

Volodymyr Zelensky noted that Ukraine is interested in ending the hot phase of the war by the end of 2024. Russia, however, is offering capitulation terms that are not beneficial to our country.

Former KGB and Russian Foreign Intelligence Service officer Sergei Zhirnov told Channel 24 that with US support, it is likely that a ceasefire can be achieved. It is important that China and the United States of America be interested in putting pressure on Russia.

Under what conditions will Russia agree to concessions

Zhirnov noted that the US is not putting enough pressure on Russia yet. He added that there are those who hope for Donald Trump's decisiveness in this matter.

“Trump once proposed his solution regarding war and peace between Russia and Ukraine. He said that he would end the war in 24 hours by calling Vladimir Zelensky and Vladimir Putin,” he noted.

According to the former KGB officer, there must be a person who can decisively put pressure on the Kremlin dictator. For example, if Putin does not agree to negotiations, then the US military aid to Ukraine increased several times would have a serious impact on the Russian army.

According to him, the United States of America could also introduce not partial sanctions against Russia, but an economic blockade of all goods of the aggressor country and prohibit everyone who cooperates with it from trading in dollars.

In fact, there are means of such pressure, but they are not used. China can also use them, in particular, by declaring that it is stopping all interaction with Russia. Putin's economy will immediately stop, because it cannot work without China, – noted Sergey Zhirnov.

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