Home » Windows 7 still has a market share of almost 8 percent in Austria

Windows 7 still has a market share of almost 8 percent in Austria

by alex

The outdated operating system can still be found on almost 20 percent of all Windows computers worldwide.

Almost exactly a year ago, on January 14, 2020, support for Windows 7 was discontinued. Since then, no more security updates have been released. However, the system persists and is still the most popular Microsoft OS after Windows 10.

Worldwide it is still on around 20 percent of all Windows computers, as heise.de reports with reference to statistics from Statcounter and NetApplication.

In Austria the share of Windows 7 is lower. Statcounter put it at 7.69 percent at the end of December. A year earlier it was a little more than 18 percent in comparison. Windows 10 was in use on 87.13 percent of Windows computers in Germany in December 2020.

Windows 7 still has a market share of almost 8 percent in Austria

Across all operating systems, Windows' desktop market share in Austria was 79.9 percent last December. Mac OS X was used on almost 17.4 percent of the computers. A market share of 1.6 percent is reported for Linux.

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