Home ยป Windows 11 never saw the promised feature. Users accused Microsoft of lying

Windows 11 never saw the promised feature. Users accused Microsoft of lying

by alex

Microsoft promised users to embed 3D emoji in Windows 11 for several months, but the feature never appeared. The company kept the 2D emoji and added some new images. In response, users claimed that the Windows 11 advertising campaign was built on lies and fraud, Neowin noted.

New emoji did appear in Windows 11, but they turned out to be not three-dimensional – unlike those that were at the demo, the edition wrote. The company announced new emojis on Twitter, and also released a video with their alleged images.

When complaints from deceived users rained down on Windows Insider Senior Program Manager Brandon LeBlanc, he said they were “exaggerating,” and Microsoft's marketers and designers were “just using the wrong graphics.” LeBlanc apologized and promised not to let this happen in the future.

In Windows 11, there were no other features that were promised during the advertising campaign. Microsoft announced native support for Android applications – such a function was not in Windows 10, but it was not in Windows 11. The first final assembly of the system does not allow running applications for Android, and it is not known when such a function will appear, the publication added.

Earlier it was reported that the first update for Windows 11 brought problems to owners of computers running on AMD processors – computers began to work significantly slower.

The new operating system from Microsoft began to lead to problems in working with printers. A crash occurs when the machine is connected to a computer via USB.

Photo: frame from video / Microsoft Fluent Emoji

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