Home » Will Ukraine's EU accession negotiations begin soon: MEP assessed

Will Ukraine's EU accession negotiations begin soon: MEP assessed

by alex

The MEP assessed Ukraine's chances of starting negotiations on accession to the EU until 2023 / Collage 24 Channel

Ukraine aims to begin negotiations on accession to the EU by the end of 2023. At the same time, everything will depend on our state’s implementation of the seven recommendations of the European Commission and the overall assessment of them.

Member of the European Parliament from Germany, Viola von Cramon, spoke about this in an exclusive interview with Channel 24 . She also noted the work that our state has done on its way to the European Union.

Can Ukraine begin accession negotiations before the end of 2023?

Cramon emphasized that after the European Commission provided Ukraine with seven recommendations for joining the European Union in 2022, she saw and heard that members of the organization were satisfied with the work of Ukrainians. In particular, she heard that, in fact, out of seven recommendations, only one was not fully implemented.

The Verkhovna Rada and all ministries have done their work. And even in wartime, all authorities worked very persistently to actually start negotiations this year. – said the MEP.

She also stressed that, probably, in early November it will be possible to see a report from the European Commission on the progress made. The MEP is optimistic that the Commission will give the green light and send a signal that Ukrainians deserve to start negotiations now.

Does everyone in the EU agree with the decision to start negotiations?

Cramon emphasized that the Union now has a broad consensus regarding the start of accession negotiations for Ukraine. However, there is one country that, for the sake of supposedly its national interests, is looking for an excuse why they cannot agree. We are talking about Hungary.

“They don’t want to give more money for weapons, they don’t want to allow Ukraine to start work on preparing for accession. I don’t know what the decision will be (on opening accession negotiations – Channel 24), but we really need to overcome this procedure of unanimity,” – noted the MEP.

She also hopes that the Commission and Council will find an opportunity to talk with Hungary, although it is not yet clear how severe the reaction will be. Despite this, the European parliamentarian noted that the decision on Hungary does not depend on the Ukrainians.

I was in Transcarpathia and talked with Hungarian minorities – they live very freely, have their own language, their own schools, where they teach in Hungarian. So if there is a minority in Europe that is not oppressed, it is certainly the Hungarian minority in Ukraine,” she said.

In her opinion, it is really difficult to imagine what else Ukraine can do to satisfy the Hungarian government.

How the EU will overcome Hungarian resistance

The European Parliamentarian also recalled the most important reform proposed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, before the accession of new countries to the Union. In particular, now one country cannot block a decision of the European Council; for this there must be at least two countries.

“Now we have only one country that blocks money for the European Peace Fund, Russian sanctions. We must overcome this, so the reform must be carried out as soon as possible,” Cramon emphasized.

In her opinion, it is also necessary to analyze how the composition of the European Commission will work after enlargement. After all, the EU now has 27 European Commissioners, however, according to the MEP, a smaller body is needed that will make decisions.

She concluded by saying that the Constitutional Affairs Committee had voted in favor of constitutional changes to the EU. So Cramon hopes that consultations will soon take place and there will be a new stage of reforms.

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