Home » Will not go anywhere else: Kholodyarovites brightly destroyed the enemy BMP-3 in the Kharkiv region

Will not go anywhere else: Kholodyarovites brightly destroyed the enemy BMP-3 in the Kharkiv region

by alex

Ukrainian military demonstrated their skills in destroying the enemy/Screenshot from video

In the south of the Kharkov region, soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade “Cold Yar” do not give the enemy a break. They skillfully eliminated the enemy BMP-3, which will never go anywhere after that.

The Kholodnerites published a video of their work on social networks. They noted that the plot is short, but very optimistic.

The infantry fighting vehicle was hit by aimed shots

The infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian military tried to hide from our military behind the trees. However, the game of “hide and seek” obviously failed. Kholodnoyarsk residents hit the BMP-3 several times, from which a column of flame and thick black smoke immediately poured out.

In the comments, the Ukrainians thank the soldiers for their professional work and effective defense of the Motherland. People note that they are proud of the courage and courage of the Kholodyarovites and ask them, first of all, to take care of themselves.

Watch the video of the destruction of enemy equipment in the Kharkiv region:

What fresh losses of the enemy

On the morning of May 4, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published new information about the losses of the enemy. Thus, since February 24, the aggressor state has lost 24,500 soldiers in the war in Ukraine. In a day alone, this number increased by 300 people.

What are the losses of the enemy in equipment:

  • Tanks – 1077.
  • Armored combat vehicles – 2,610.
  • Artillery systems – 491.
  • MLRS – 163.
  • Air defense systems – 81.
  • Aircraft – 194.
  • Helicopters – 155.
  • Automotive equipment and tankers – 1867.
  • Ships and boats – 10.
  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level – 303.
  • Special equipment – 38.
  • Cruise missiles – 87.
How the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy enemy troops: latest news
  • Ukrainian military killed more than a hundred Russians in the Zaporozhye region. Their bodies were taken to Gorlovka. It is known that all of them were servicemen of the 1st Army Corps.
  • Only in a day in the South, our defenders destroyed fifty occupiers. The Ukrainians also managed to eliminate many enemy equipment and 7 ammunition depots.
  • Air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 1 cruise missile and 3 Orlan-10 drones over the Donbass.
  • And in the East for the previous day Ukrainian soldiers liquidated 40 invaders. Our gunners hit a cluster of enemy vehicles and also hit the ammunition depot.

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