Home » WikiLeaks founder Assange suffered a microstroke in Belmarsh prison: what is known

WikiLeaks founder Assange suffered a microstroke in Belmarsh prison: what is known

by alex

Assange's fiance believes that the microstroke was due to the stress of the decision to extradite the founder of WikiLeaks to the United States.

Imprisoned Australian journalist, founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange suffered a minor stroke in London's Belmarsh prison.

This is reported by the Daily Mail with reference to his fiancée Stella Maurice.

It is noted that the incident occurred when the convicted person took part in a meeting of the High Court in London via video link. As a result, 50-year-old Assange experienced drooping of the eyelid, memory problems and signs of neurological damage.

Maurice is convinced that the microstroke was caused by stress amid the lawsuit against the founder of WikiLeaks in the United States and the general deterioration of his health. According to her, after a transient ischemic attack, Assange underwent an MRI, now he is receiving medication for a stroke.

“Julian is struggling, and I am afraid that this microstroke may become a harbinger of a more serious attack,” said the prisoner's bride and continued “This needs to be addressed immediately. Look at the animals trapped in cages in the zoo. It shortens their lives. This is what happens to Julian. Endless legal cases cause extreme psychological stress.”

Maurice added that her fiancé was held in a cell for a long time and “lacked fresh air and sunshine, adequate diet and the stimulants he needed.”

This week, the High Court in London allowed to extradite Julian Assange to the United States, where, on all charges, the founder of Wikileaks faces up to 175 years in prison.

Assange is accused of conspiring with former US military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning and the disclosure of US government secrets regarding Allied military operations in Afghanistan in 2010.

His supporters and press freedom groups view Assange as an investigative reporter who uncovered war crimes. Washington brought a total of 18 charges, claiming that the journalist endangered the lives of American informants.

Recall that Assange twice managed to become a father while hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He and Maurice have two sons.

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