Home ยป Why TCC can be put on the wanted list and how to withdraw from it

Why TCC can be put on the wanted list and how to withdraw from it

by alex

< strong > there are several reasons why a citizen can put on the wanted list. ~ 60 >~ 60 > in Ukraine < Strong > mobilization . In some cases, citizens of draft age can be put on the wanted list. We are talking about military service, in one way or another violated the rules of military accounting.

< p > as a military person can withdraw from the search for TCC and SP, the experts of the law firm INSEININ.

< p > it is noted that men who did not appear in the TCC on the agenda, who do not take up military registration, evading the passage of the military medical commission or draft for military service, may be wanted. If such violations are identified, then the employees of the military registration and enlistment office record them and send appeals to the police in order to search for such persons. search and detention are carried out with the aim of drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense. However, such a protocol can be drawn up only with the physical presence of the offender in the premises of TCC and joint venture

< p > mark on violation of the military registration rules are removed to the TCC after contacting the police about the absence of grounds for the detention of a military service liable. Currently, in Ukraine there is a single mechanism for lifting such a wanted list due to the preparation of the protocol on the commission of an administrative offense.

< p >< strong > selection consists of several stages:

62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > Usually employees of the TCC agree to remove the search mark after receiving the receipt of the payment of a fine or the legal force of the court decision on the cancellation of the fine. ~ 60 > < p > experts note that in most cases it is impossible to remove the search remotely. Only if the mark in the register was afflicted by accident, and the military liable for military service did not make violations, the employees of the TCC agree to remove the search mark.

< P > Recall, we wrote about < Strong > Why TCC can submit a military personnel on the wanted list. The search is initiated to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense and impose a fine. The basis is a violation of articles 210 and 210-1 of kuoap.

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