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Why Silhouette relies on digital tools in eyewear sales

by alex

Christian Ender, CEO of the glasses manufacturer Silhouette, on the advantages of trying on glasses virtually.

Christian Ender, Chief Sales Officer at Silhouette and Spokesman for the Management Board

KURIER: First of all, a question that many office workers who do a lot of screen work may have Googled: What is the myth that carrots help against poor eyesight all about? Do they help?

Christian Ender: If there was something to the myth, we would have a lot of carrot fields. We recommend glasses from us – if you also like to eat carrots, please do so.

With the pandemic, screen time has also increased. Does this affect your customers?

VDU work affects eyesight – in every age group. It is striking that the number of young people who wear glasses is also increasing due to changes in their eyesight. In any case, it is important to have the right visual aid that caters to the needs of the wearer, that's where we come in. Customized glasses are our domain.

Industry data shows that stationary business with opticians continues to be well received. Why do you rely on a digital strategy?

Opticians are our most important partners and they too were and are of course affected by the lockdowns – with reduced opening hours, employees on short-time work and many other consequences. Nobody came to the optician for shopping in the lockdowns, but for specific purchases, repairs and corrections. Digital tools are intended to simplify standardized tasks for the optician so that he can concentrate on providing advice.

Why Silhouette relies on digital tools in eyewear sales

Since December 2020 you can try on glasses online at Silhouette

So has the pandemic accelerated your digitization strategies?

We designed and started these before the pandemic, the pandemic was something of a catalyst and made us move faster.

How do you digitize a purchase of glasses without customers making compromises? Because there is always a change in type.

Glasses have to fit the wearer and should not change the type, but underline it. Of course, the first pair of glasses is an important event and the accompaniment of this event is orchestrated by the optician. However, customers already deal with the glasses before they buy and do digital window shopping. It is precisely in this phase that we provide support with digital tools.

Isn't an online purchase of optical glasses more error-prone?

Customers should decide how and where to buy the glasses. Optical glasses can be tried online, but advice, fitting and buying take place at the optician's.

Opticians as a shortage occupation

A new university of applied sciences course should provide for young talent

From September 2021, the first 24 students in Austria will begin their training as opticians at the University of Applied Sciences in Innsbruck. This raises the training to an academic level, so far the choice was limited to a vocational school with an apprenticeship certificate and a secondary master’s school in Hall in Tyrol, as well as to some courses from private providers.

“With the possibility of a bachelor's degree at a university of applied sciences, the training is also comparable in a European context,” says Markus Gschweidl, Federal Guild Master for Ophthalmic and Contact Lens Opticians. There is also a problem with young talent in the industry.

The approximately 1,100 optician locations are constantly looking for employees. Opticians are already listed as a shortage occupation. But the job opportunities are good. “It's a job with a future. People are getting older and older, as more people work in front of the computer and the use of cell phones increases, so too do poor eyesight, even in children. “

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