Home » Why Putin fired Shoigu: analysts named the reasons

Why Putin fired Shoigu: analysts named the reasons

by alex

Instead of Shoigu, Putin proposed appointing Andrei Belousov as Minister of Defense.

Replacement of the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu on Andrei Belousov is associated with a high level of corruption in the department. This also indicates the Kremlin is preparing for a protracted war against Ukraine.

This was reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts recall that Belousov served as Minister of Economy in the federal government for about ten years. Then he participated in the management of various domestic innovative projects in the field of the defense industrial complex and drones. This prepared him to lead the apparatus of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which is in a difficult situation.

ISW also notes that Shoigu's defense establishment has battled accusations of high-level corruption and bureaucratic inertia, while facing constant and devastating criticism from Russian military observers.

“Belousov has a strong reputation as an effective technocrat, and insider sources say he has a positive relationship with Putin. Belousov met with the dictator in November 2023 to discuss defense projects and technology cooperation, and also spoke with Putin about problems,” the message says.

“Putin expects Belousov to use his experience in civilian government to combine federal economic policy with the Russian Ministry of Defense program and thus more fully mobilize the Russian defense industry on a larger and longer-term scale and integrate it with the domestic economic policy. These efforts create the conditions for more complete economic mobilization, which indicates the Kremlin’s continued preparations for a protracted war in Ukraine,” ISW notes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed a new defense minister, former first deputy head of government Andrei Belousov. This became known from a number of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Shoigu does not come from the highest authorities; by presidential decree he was appointed head of the Russian Security Council. In this position, he will take the place of Nikolai Patrushev, who was dismissed from his position.

As Secretary of the Security Council, Shoigu will simultaneously be Putin’s deputy in the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia.

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