Home » Why are there more mushrooms at the edge of the forest?

Why are there more mushrooms at the edge of the forest?

by alex

Why are there more mushrooms at the edge of the forest?

It is known: in order to collect more mushrooms, it is not at all necessary to climb into the thicket. Is there an explanation for this?

As studies by scientists from the Forest Institute of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences have shown, there are more mushrooms where the soil is trampled. Therefore, boletus and brown boletus can often be found along forest paths and on the edge, and white – along the edges of fire ditches. The explanation is simple: in order for nutrients to enter the soil, it must undergo damage.

“On paths, forest edges and other places open for free passage in the forest, the boundaries of the habitats of different living creatures converge. Such mosaicity creates favorable conditions for mushrooms, – explains biologist, ecologist, director of the Center for Wildlife Conservation Aleksey Zimenko. “In addition, in remote places, mushrooms are less visible to the eye, and therefore it seems that there are fewer of them.”

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