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Who Shouldn't Upgrade Windows: Expert Tips

by alex

Who Shouldn't Upgrade Windows: Expert Tips

Microsoft released Windows 11. Denis Kuskov, general director of the information and analytical agency TelecomDaily, told who should postpone updating the operating system.

He noted that theoretically anyone can install the Windows 11 operating system on their computer. But before making such a decision, it is better to assess some factors, one of them is the state of the device.

“It is important to test the computer for readiness to accept the new operating system. If you do not want your computer to “slow down”, you need to look at the requirements (of the new operating system – ed.) To the configuration of the device, “Kuskov said in an interview with Sputnik radio.

If the computer matches them, you can safely install Windows 11. If the device is old, then you need to weigh the pros and cons. Updating the operating system, according to Kuskov, can lead to problems if the computer “falls short” of the level provided by the developers. But buying a new device for the sake of a fresh version of the OS is impractical, he added.

Before updating Windows, Kuskov advised to make a backup, that is, a backup copy of all data that is on the computer. According to him, in most cases, reinstalling the OS goes well, but human and technical factors cannot be ruled out.

In June, an online presentation of Windows 11 took place. The developers said that the new OS received extended support for two or more monitors, as well as widgets for the desktop, through which quick access to various services will be possible.

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