Home » WHO records a record incidence of coronavirus per day

WHO records a record incidence of coronavirus per day

by alex

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded a record incidence of coronavirus in the world per day. The data is published on the organization's website.

According to WHO, over the last 24 hours in the world there are 307 930 new cases of COVID-19. Most of them are in India (94.3 thousand), the United States (45.5 thousand) and Brazil (43.7 thousand). Also, more than ten thousand cases per day were detected in Spain (12.1 thousand) and Argentina (11.5 thousand).

In total, 5,537 patients have died worldwide over the past 24 hours. The majority of deaths also occurred in India, the United States and Brazil (1114, 1022 and 874 cases, respectively).

For all the time in the world, according to WHO, more than 28.6 million cases of coronavirus have been detected. Of these, 917.4 thousand people died.

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